Resource to share: cute Roe Roe Roe your vote flyers

Based on my advice that we all need to step our activism up a notch, I helped design a flyer to share. Feel free to download and print these flyers, and distribute as widely as possible. Because they cost money to print, you don’t want to just hand them out randomly. Find a friendly locale so you can strike up conversations with sympathetic people. Ask for donations for your printing costs if necessary, and tell people that you can only give them a hard copy if they promise to donate to at least one candidate. Some folks just like to take pictures, which is great, but be sure they get a photo of the backside of the full size flyer, where the candidate names and websites are listed.

The half size flyer does not have the candidates listed on the back. They are a little more cost-effective. Best to give to people who express a true interest, who will actually follow through on donating. With just six more weeks until election day, and early voting starting soon, helping these candidates fund their Get Out the Vote efforts is essential. Pizza costs money, coffee costs money, gas costs money ~ you get the picture!!

Download and print whatever quantities make sense for you!! And thanks, Kate

Full Size

Half size.